Soc Nvidia Tegra 3 T30l

17 Jan 2023 - Nvidia Tegra

This is the first SoC on ARM. Nvidia made ULP Geforce on it, so many things to do when ports mainline on it. I found the connect when I used pmOS, people want to accelerate but pmOS devs said “No”, it’s just 2D accelerate, but 3D accelerate on grate-driver And the kernel build on pmOS, not complex, I ports kernel using openrc to systemd, adding some fstab command to mount pmOS_boot and pmOS_root

This is Nexus 7 variants
Nexus 7 2012 Tablet

So 3D accelerate worked on Nexus 7 2012. If it works on Ubuntu, it will work on Archlinux, Fedora, and openSUSE.

Latest things, I found i3gaps and Mate out, if you build website on grouper, i3gaps will take less RAM to run browser, local web-server, and vim or nano for IDE.


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