Ttyescape Mobile Friendly On Gnu Linux Distros

20 Feb 2023 - Linux Mobile

Initially, when I stepped foot in GNU/Linux, I realized that the operating system only writes code to run on specific hardware that has not been optimized, even Android isn’t still optimize yet.

Once I got the rootfs and mainline kernel running on my Nexus 7, I realized something. Most of the original distros like Debian(Ubuntu), ArchLinux, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Gentoo, Slackware, Linux From Scratch(LFS) etc. All booting and login from tty0 to tty9, depending on the distro’s settings.

TTYEscape, buffyboard and hkdm daemon

At that time, I wanted to have a virtual keyboard to input upgrade commands and install more login screens, the GUI. I had to add a keyboard and mouse hardwares, the process was too complicated. Since mobile-friendly must be virtualization and hardwares should removed, such as the mouse will be replaced by touch-screen/touch-gestures, the keyboard must have virtual/on-screen keyboards instead.

After that, in the postmarketOS community (AlpineLinux) appeared fbkeyboard, aiming to bring virtual keyboard to tty, written in C, but the keyboard layout is not friendly, quite similar to the keyboard of SailfishOS. Then Caleb Connolly dev, came up with ttyescape, which combines triggerhappy and fbkeyboard, to launch the on-screen keyboard when holding down Power button + 3 times the Volume Down button.

Nexus 7 run ttyescape
Nexus 7 run ttyescape, buffyboard and hkdm daemon

Some time later, in the community, there was a hkdm daemon written by elagost dev in Rust, along with buffyboard. Now ttyescape combines hkdm and buffyboard again perfectly on GNU/Linux tty. So I took it from the ArchLinux AUR to compile for armhf on systemd, a simple wish now come true.

Checking these links below:


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